Meet Rosita, a photographer, traveler and a dreamer.
She was born in Lithuania, studied in Scotland, currently living in Bali.
Living in Bali Rosita learnt that slow – is better. She is still learning to enjoy things without rushing them. Another thing that Bali taught her is – gratitude. Being grateful for everything. For sun, for thunder. For rain. It‘s all part of it.
Tell us your story. What your life looked like before?
Hey, I’m Rosita! Born in Lithuania, studied in Scotland, currently living in Bali.
Right after school, I left my home city and beloved country for studies in Scotland, where I graduated in Politics and International Relations. Not long after my graduation, I came to realize that politics is not something I see myself doing for the rest of my life, so I enrolled myself in a Photography course in college. Then everything changed. I fell in love with photography, design and aesthetics.
After college I pushed myself out of the box even more. I have gained an Interior Design diploma and soon after started my own interior design company.
However, the ten-year anniversary of living in Scotland was approaching was soon, and I felt that it’s the right time to do make some changes in my life again. Together with my boyfriend we packed everything we‘ve gathered during these ten years and came back to Lithuania. We traveledall over Europe with an old van. It was such a humble journey to a new chapter of my life – Bali. (We stayed only for a month in Lithuania)

Why did you decide to change it?
I am someone who loves challenges. Going to study aboard, quitting many jobs in order to find the one I love, travel the world so I know where I feel the best – all of it sound,s crazy for some people, but for me it’s what I live for. The more I challenge myself the more beautiful things in life I discover.
The biggest lessons you learned on the trip. What did you understand about yourself?
“It’s nothing like they say”. In order to know, you have to experience it yourself. As people, we have different views, likes, expectations, and fears, so I have learned that you have to listen, acknowledge, and have respect for others, but still go and experience it yourself. It is the whole beauty of it. This is why journeys are so magical.

Maybe you found yourself different when you always thought?
Living in Bali you learn that slow – is better. I am still learning to enjoy things without rushing into them. Another thing that Bali taught me is – gratitude. I mean gratitude for everything. For sun, for thunder, for rain. It’s all part of it. How would we know what is right if there is no wrong?
If you would do everything from the beginning, what would you do differently?
I would not have waited so long to come here.

If someone is secretly dreaming about the lifestyle you are living now, what would you advise them?
Just do it. It was the best decision of my life. Thinking about it makes it so much more complex than it is. If you dream about it – you are already halfway!
Is it scary to go on the adventure of a lifetime?
Scary? Yes, of course. Changes are always scary. But there is no joy without risks, no shivers without challenges! It’s part of the journey, because otherwise it wouldn’t be a “journey of a lifetime”, right?

What was happening in your head?
My heart said – go and my mind said – are you crazy? But I’m glad I always go by my heart. Most of the time it turns out great!
What are the most amazing things about living here?
Sun! Living in Scotland for so long without so much sun, it feels like a dream. And then of course Balinese culture is something unexplainable. So much good energy, positivity, smells, colours and nature! It’s funny how here you don’t need TV, cinemas, or any other things that we are so used to. Bali has its magic and if you are willing to receive it – you are in for a big treat.

Living the way you live. What was the hardest thing in this whole experience?
I guess finding your own routine. Because tropical climate and all its beauty can work as a big distraction to whatever you do. As I’m working remotely it is very important for me to find my own rhythm, although it took me some time to adapt, now I feel in balance.
What do you suggest to people dreaming about this lifestyle? What are the first steps in preparation?
If you are planning your trip of a lifetime – don’t overthink it too much, but make sure you are aware of these things:
– The place you go has a good wifi;
– Forget Instagram-worthy experiences and choose a place to live where you’d feel comfortable sleeping;
– Don’t always trust other people’s opinions try things yourself;
– Enjoy the ride and take it slowly!

What are your next steps? Is there any adventure you are planning?
My life is an adventure! I’m always on the move, so I don’t like planning to much, I prefer for things to happen naturally. I am now in Bali, but who knows what I’ll feel like doing in three or four months. Time will tell and that’s what I love about it! 🖤
You can follow Rosita’s adventures on: