Meet Ieva, a true embodiment of adventure and curiosity. Her journey began with a passion for discovery, which blossomed during the pandemic when she found herself seeking new horizons. What started as a month-long escape to Mexico turned into a life-changing journey that took her to over 40 countries across five continents.
Join us as Ieva takes us through her incredible journey, revealing the lessons she’s learned and the adventures that still await.

Tell us your story.
I have always been an adventurous person, constantly looking for ways to explore the world. Even as a student, I sought out opportunities to go abroad, participating in Erasmus programs twice—once in Turkey and once in Germany. However, most of my trips were short, lasting only a couple of weeks. Then everything changed when the Covid pandemic began.
My now ex-boyfriend and I were desperate for a way out of the cold, cloudy Lithuanian lockdown. We researched destinations and discovered that only a few countries in the world had no Covid restrictions at the time. One of those countries was Mexico. We decided that the lockdown wouldn’t end anytime soon and, with time on our hands, embarked on a month-long trip to Mexico.
The experience of a new continent, new cultures, and a new language made us fall even more in love with traveling and discovering the unknown. After a month in Mexico, we returned to Lithuania, only to find that everything was still closed. So, we bought plane tickets again—this time for a three-month journey across Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador.
Since then, traveling has become my way of life. I now spend 3–4 months a year abroad and have visited 44 countries across five continents, with so many more on my bucket list! I never say I’m going on vacation—I’m traveling. Whether it’s climbing mountains, hiking, surfing, chasing waterfalls, or even spotting crocodiles, I embrace every moment of adventure. Meeting local people and immersing myself in their culture has been the most incredible and rewarding experience of my life.

What were the biggest lessons you learned on the trip and what did you understand
about yourself?
I think the biggest lesson I learned is that there is always something out there that will surprise you—so stay curious and open-minded. Sometimes, it might seem like there’s nothing special about the next place you’ll visit or the new people you’ll meet. You think, “I’ve already been to so many incredible places, and I have the most amazing people in my life—my friends, my family, etc.”
But every time I find myself in a new place, situation, or environment, I’m blown away by the unique experiences I gain. Meeting people from all over the world teaches you countless things you never even imagined existed. There’s always more to discover, and that constant sense of wonder keeps me inspired.

If someone is secretly dreaming about the lifestyle you are living now,what would
you tell them?
Sometimes, I hear people say that I’m “lucky” to travel as much as I do and that not everyone can do the same because of finances or freedom. However, I don’t agree with that. I believe anyone can travel as much as I do, and traveling doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive.
I always travel on a budget and choose affordable destinations, which are usually outside of Europe. The most significant expense is usually the plane ticket to get there. In today’s world, there are so many opportunities to travel—we just need to open our minds and start looking for them. There are ways to travel with almost no budget. A few examples include volunteering, using platforms like Workaway, or participating in work-and-travel programs that allow you to experience new places at a very low cost.
Additionally, remote work is becoming more and more common, making it possible for people to live their dream lifestyles while earning an income.
As for children, I don’t have any myself, but I believe you can travel just as much with children as you can without them. I’ve met many families traveling with kids, and I follow a few Lithuanian families who are happily living all around the world. Nothing is stopping them!
I truly believe there are no limits to what you can achieve or experience. The only limits are the ones we create in our own minds. 😊

Is it scary to go on the adventure of a lifetime?
I could say that every trip I take is the biggest adventure of a lifetime, but the craziest adventures so far have been my visit to Pakistan and running the Everest Marathon. The Everest Marathon involves a two-week hike to Everest Base Camp, followed by a 42 km marathon run starting from the base camp.
I ended up being the second female foreigner to finish the race, which was totally unexpected and unplanned for me—though it remains one of the greatest experiences of my life. I would need two more articles to fully share these stories, but both of these adventures are detailed on my Instagram (@ievalenk), where I’ve shared posts and highlights about my experiences while traveling.

What would you suggest for people dreaming about this lifestyle?
There’s always a way—you just need to start looking for it. No one is responsible for your life except you, so stop making excuses and instead ask yourself: What can I do to change my situation or get to where I want to be?
What are your next steps? Is there any adventure you are planning?
There’s always a desire to explore new places. I recently returned from a 5-week trip through Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and I’m already thinking about my next destination. I love Latin culture and language, and I’m currently learning Spanish. I’m also passionate about surfing and hiking, so I hope to combine all these interests for my next adventure! 😊.

You can follow Ieva’s adventure on :
The story of the Everest Marathon