Susipažinkite, su Greta: “gyvenimas trumpas, darykite, tai ką jaučiate, kad turite padaryti.”
Susipažinkite, Vilma ir Ričardas, pora, kuri vienos kelionės metu, spontaniškai nusprendė vieniems metams išvykti ir pagyventi Azijoje. Ir kol kas, tai buvo geriausias ir spontaniškiausias sprendimas kokį yra priėmę.
Meet Meda, she has been traveling around the World since she was 14 years old. And this year, she visited 13 new countries. Since she travel on her own money, she had to learn how to travel cheaply.
Meet Viktorija. She likes to travel independently, meet and communicate with like – minded people and believe that it’s always more fun in a group of people!
Meet Erika ir Šarūnas.
They started their US journey in Chicago, then Denver, and now they are settled in NYC! I have visited a good number of states, cities, national parks and still love to get out and travel every few months. Speaking of, their temporary winter getaway is the Mexico beach, where they have been spending the past few months.
Meet Gabriele Andrukianec, she decide to change her lifestyle after she understood that it was leading to depression and she didn‘t know what to want. She decided to travel and went to live in Mexico. But it wasn‘t the nicest experience for her. After the first trip to Mexico, nothing was scary.
Meet Rūta. She always loved traveling and exploring new places. But the feeling that something was missing did not let her rest. After going through a long list of excuses, she decided to take that risk and break from her career and figure out what she wanted from her future.
And now Her friend describes her as „living on a suitcase“ or „do you even work at all? Want to know why? Read her story.
Storytime! Meet Jill. She never thought to travel the world one day. But she was super brave, she listens to her gut and leave her comfort zone completely. She planned to make her life a full adventure. And it worked so far.
Susipažinkite, Simona, palikusi komfortišką, stabilų rutininį gyvenimą, darbus ir šaltą orą Lietuvoje, striukes ir kombinezonus Oslo oro uoste, Simona išsikraustė į Tailandą. Ir nuo šiol kolekcionuoja įspūdžius o ne daiktus!
Meet Rosita, a photographer, traveler and a dreamer.
She was born in Lithuania, studied in Scotland, currently living in Bali.
Living in Bali Rosita learnt that slow – is better. She is still learning to enjoy things without rushing them. Another thing that Bali taught her is – gratitude. Being grateful for everything. For sun, for thunder. For rain. It‘s all part of it.