Meet Amanda, now she is living and working in Thailand, enjoying the sun and the warm weather every day! She works as self-employed on a range of projects, and now she feel the possibilities are endless! “We might be doing one thing today, but you never know what awaits you tomorrow, and that’s why we love it.“
Tell us your story.
Hey, I’m Amanda, a life enthusiast, dreamer and traveler! Upon graduating from high school in Palanga, I always dreamed of an adventurous life, that would let me meet new people, experience new cultures, and explore the world.
It was such a blessing that my dreams came true! While studying in college, I spent two fantastic summers in the United States participating in the Work &Travel program. Meeting many amazing people and having an experience I will never forget with my partner Ernestas.
When I graduated from college and came back to Lithuania, I wanted to experience what the corporate world was like, so I found myself my first office job.
In the beginning, I thought, wow, this is what I want to do, but as the months progressed, I realized that kind of career, where you have to sit at work from 9 to 5, count your vacation days, and plan way in advance your adventures did not interest me. Thus, after more than 1.5 years, I pushed myself to drop everything and start my own business with my partner.
It has been a challenge, but believe me, it is so freak in worth it!
Now that we are entering our fifth month in Thailand, we are enjoying the sun and the warm weather every day! As self-employed people working on a range of projects, we now feel the possibilities are endless! We might be doing one thing today, but you never know what awaits you tomorrow, and that’s why we love it. We embrace the unknown!

What your life looked like before?
It would be fair to say that my life prior to traveling was pretty closed-minded I only knew about the life paths of my family and close friends. Traveling felt like unlocking a whole new world for me, almost like a game. I became more open to new perspectives, possibilities, and in general became a more friendly and loving person.
Why did you decide to change it?
I was driven to discover. To explore new environments and places because of my curiosity for the unknown. I also felt that staying in one place too long would just not help me grow as an individual. For myself, it seems that there are so many places (jobs, places, towns, or countries) in the world, that staying in one place is a waste of time. Therefore, I can’t ignore the call of my heart that wants me to explore new possibilities.

The biggest lessons you learned on the trip. What did you understand about yourself?
Traveling has opened my eyes to the idea that there is more than one way to live your life. When I first moved abroad, I discovered many people were leading very different lives no matter their age, status, or degree.
It seems to me that in Lithuania we tend to live life “by the book” – finish university, get a good job, get married, and have children. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, I just think that we tend to put ourselves in some sort of frame, which narrows our possibilities and ways of thinking.
I believe that a person who never leaves their hometown may never grow as a person, or it may be much harder to do so, because you will need to detach yourself from everything that you knew while growing up in order to do so.

Maybe you found yourself different when you always thought?
Yes, indeed! It is my goal to come back a little bit different from every experience and every trip I take. Having said that, what I love most about this is that even I notice my changes, and I love myself even more for it.
Personal growth depends on the ability to change. I once read a book titled “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”. Even though I didn’t finish the book, just the title made me think about a lot of things.
If you would do everything from the beginning, what would you do differently?
I would not change a single thing. It is just as important to learn from your mistakes as it is from your successes. This has always been a quote that I follow when times are tough.

If someone is secretly dreaming about the lifestyle you are living now, what would you advise them?
Don’t forget that a completely different life is just one decision away. Therefore, if you truly feel that this is what you want and what you need, then go for it! If it was meant to be, the universe will make things happen for you in a way that you did not even contemplate. So just trust your heart and don’t be afraid of the change!
Is it scary to go on the adventure of a lifetime?
Yes, it’s scary, because you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and going into the unknown just remember, this is where the miracles begin, so embrace it.
It would be scarier to realize in the end that I didn’t enjoy my life to the fullest because I was too scared to take the risk. Not following my heart is the most frightening thing to me.
What are the most amazing things about living here?
I am currently in Thailand, and the thing I find most striking is the way of life here. I spent 5 months wearing the same clothes, barely using makeup, and not caring about how I looked to others, and this is the most amazing thing because I would have never been able to do that in my hometown before.
Having the freedom to look and feel however you want is amazing.
Along with that, I love the fact that we can eat fresh fruit whenever we want, jump into the sea or pool during our breaks, and wear only a few pieces of clothing instead of heavy jackets and boots. Riding a motorbike and feeling the wind blow through your hair is wonderful as well.
While I am back in Lithuania, I also severely lack vitamin D, so being able to get vitamin D here naturally is a significant benefit to my health and wellbeing.

Living the way you live. What was the hardest thing in this whole experience?
Leaving my family and friends behind is the hardest part of living such a lifestyle. There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not think of them. Since this is the hardest part for us, we tend to travel for a maximum of six months a year, and then return home to spend some time with family and friends.
Such a lifestyle will always require some sacrifice on your part. Leaving behind a loved one is difficult for some people, while comfort may appeal to others. There will always be something.
What do you suggest to people dreaming about this lifestyle?
Make your dreams a reality instead of waiting for them to occur. That’s all I can tell you. I believe that each and every one of us can create the life of our dreams. Whether you will succeed depends on your courage and commitment. There is literally nothing you can’t accomplish!
What are the first steps in preparation?
Planning is what works best for me since I am someone who likes to think ahead. When it comes to starting a solo or duo experience with your partner, there are a few ways you can go about it.
The first option is to save money for the period when you will be traveling. There are many ways to estimate the costs of traveling to certain countries, such as checking what other travelers are spending or just doing a simple search for the average cost of living in those countries.
TIP: Having an emergency fund will prevent you from being stressed out if something happens on your trip and you do not have money to cover it.
The second option is to find remote jobs (this is what we did) before traveling and then go on a trip after you have learned how to work remotely.
Today, young people can also travel by joining programs like work & travel. It is a safer option for those who have no prior travel experience. There are many other incredible programs available, such as volunteer work in other countries, exchange programs, etc. It is just a matter of doing your research to find the one that fits you best.

What are your next steps?
Next, we plan to head to the United States to visit some friends and create content, and then we’ll spend the summer with our families in Lithuania. Everything else we leave for the unknown.
Is there any adventure you are planning?
There are no further plans at the time, but I am confident something will pop up in the future.
After spending our first winter abroad, we have already started thinking about our next winter destination. It was great to skip the cold weather and enjoy the warm, sunny climate!
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