Category Archives: Adventures

Ramintos istorija: „Dabar mėgstu daug ir drąsiai svajoti.“

Pasakodama savo istoriją, Raminta sako, – jeigu būtų galimybė pradėti viską iš naujo, ji nieko nekeistų. Kiekvienas įvykis, kiekvienas iššūkis ir sėkmė, prisidėjo prie to kuo ji tapo.
Raminta gyveno įprastą gyvenimą Lietuvoje, tačiau gyvenimas pasikeitė, kai jos vyras sulaukė pasiūlymo dirbti Filipinuose. Persikėlus gyventi į Filipinus atsivėrė naujos galimybės, paženklintos įdomiomis kelionėmis, vaizdingomis vestuvėmis Italijos kalnuose, bei nauja karjeros pradžia, kuri be galo artima širdžiai ir prasminga.

Austina‘s story: „I would say not be afraid to explore. The world, your options, jobs, skills.. everything. You do not have to be put in some kind of frame, you can look out of it.“

Meet Austina, she didn’t go to some solo or long trip abroad. But her journey was more in her head. She started meditating, doing yoga, listening to different podcasts, travel to mountains, islands, other countries. And understood what she need and want in this life. I think this is the most difficult trip a person can have.

Marija‘s story: – “No matter how far I will go, my true and only home will always be myself.”

Meet Marija: She used to live with such a mindset as, “When I have this or that, then I will be completely happy and will live in my inner peace,” or “When I visit all the countries around the whole world, I will be able to settle down in my home city and live a regular, routine life,” etc. It was never enough until she started to understand that it is just an illusion – life is happening now and here, where Marija currently is, physically and mentally.

Giedrė’s story: “No one is holding you back.- it’s yourself. Overcome the fear, and everything that you are worrying about will solve itself.”

Meet Giedre; traveling has been a big part of her life ever since she was a child, and when she got married, she found a travel buddy.
After marriage, Giedrė and her husband lived in the Netherlands. Before they made the decision to travel, Giedrė was working a very stressful job. One morning she asked her husband about the idea of just quitting everything and traveling. He was, from the beginning, amazed and totally supportive. Now they are full-time travelers throughout Asia.
