Category Archives: Adventures

Marija‘s story: – “No matter how far I will go, my true and only home will always be myself.”

Meet Marija: She used to live with such a mindset as, “When I have this or that, then I will be completely happy and will live in my inner peace,” or “When I visit all the countries around the whole world, I will be able to settle down in my home city and live a regular, routine life,” etc. It was never enough until she started to understand that it is just an illusion – life is happening now and here, where Marija currently is, physically and mentally.

Giedrė’s story: “No one is holding you back.- it’s yourself. Overcome the fear, and everything that you are worrying about will solve itself.”

Meet Giedre; traveling has been a big part of her life ever since she was a child, and when she got married, she found a travel buddy.
After marriage, Giedrė and her husband lived in the Netherlands. Before they made the decision to travel, Giedrė was working a very stressful job. One morning she asked her husband about the idea of just quitting everything and traveling. He was, from the beginning, amazed and totally supportive. Now they are full-time travelers throughout Asia.

Erika ir Šarūnas’s story: those seven years abroad have brought a lot of new experiences, new chapters, and new people into our lives. I think it helped us understand us better.

Meet Erika ir Šarūnas.
They started their US journey in Chicago, then Denver, and now they are settled in NYC! I have visited a good number of states, cities, national parks and still love to get out and travel every few months. Speaking of, their temporary winter getaway is the Mexico beach, where they have been spending the past few months.

Rūta’s story: I accepted that life brings us joy and tough times just to make us stronger and teach us a valuable lesson.

Meet Rūta. She always loved traveling and exploring new places. But the feeling that something was missing did not let her rest. After going through a long list of excuses, she decided to take that risk and break from her career and figure out what she wanted from her future.
And now Her friend describes her as „living on a suitcase“ or „do you even work at all? Want to know why? Read her story.
