Meet Laura, an entrepreneur and a creative soul with a dream career in the publishing business in London. In the middle of the pandemic, she decided busy city life is not for her anymore. So she dropped everything and went on an adventure! This is her story.
Tell us your story? What your life looked like before? Why did you decide to change it?
I was working in two publishing houses in London for the past two years. In the beginning, life seemed exciting, with so many things to experience in this big city. However the more I traveled, the more I was dreaming about a slower pace somewhere by the ocean under the palm trees. I was contemplating about changing my life for the past three years, but never had the courage to do it. Then Covid happened, businesses started struggling or were put on hold and I thought it is now or never.

The biggest lessons you learned on the trip. What did you understand about yourself? Maybe you found yourself different when you always thought?
One of my biggest lessons was to learn to live in the NOW. Well, with two steps ahead. I stopped planning months in advance, I needed to do what I will do in the coming day or in the coming week. Trusting life led me to incredible experiences, which would have never happened if I would followed my strict plans. Also, I noticed that I really need only a few things. I was always into minimalism (this does not apply to books or candles). After Mexico, it became even easier to let go of things.

If you would do everything from the beginning, what would you do differently?
It’s hard to say where is the beginning and where is the end. Life is an ongoing journey, through which we grow, learn, make mistakes and do something right. I could say that I would have studied design instead of business as my official degree. However I worked in a creative industry all my life anyway. Plus now I can combine business skills with design, which brings much better results. I never stop studying and increasing my knowledge in the fields I’m interested in. I probably left my job in London way earlier if I knew how simple it is. I would not take such a big suitcase on a trip, which was left most of the time at someone’s house or in a hotel lobby.
If someone is secretly dreaming about the lifestyle you are living now, what would you advise them?
Now I’m back home after 7 months of travel. My advice would be to go for anything your heart desires and miracles will start to happen. I met a very wise man in Mexico, who bought land in the mountains and built a huge hotel. However, in the beginning, he did not have money for that. So he was sitting being angry with himself, what he’ll do with this land now. Then he heard an inner voice: how sad that a man decides to lose a war, without even going to the battle. If you only knew for every step you take, the universe will walk 10 more to carry you forward. But you need to take a step. So that’s how he did it, built a hotel step by step, which took him many years. So as Gandhi said: It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Is it scary to go on the adventure of a lifetime? What was happening in your head?
It was very scary. It was pandemic happening around the world, plus Mexico does not have a reputation as the safest country. But at the same time it was something I really wanted to do and I trusted that all gonna be fine.
What are the most amazing things about living the way you live?
Meeting likeminded people and exchanging ideas. Exploring beautiful nature and Mayan cities. Live music on the beach. All the abundance of colors. Also fruits, which are so cheap and available on every corner. Constant sense of freedom and that anything is possible.

What was the hardest thing in this whole experience?
Being away from my family.
Changing places and missing a feeling of home.
What are your next steps? Is there any adventure you are planning?
Now I would like to stay in one place for some time and rest from adventures. I’m focusing on my creative life in Vilnius.
You can follow Laura’s adventures on her amazing insta : @Laura_wildflow